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Let them have it; it's theirs

 Beauty goes out of the world and it's only the beating of flesh that fills the air. It's only the moaning of some whore made good by the bank balance of a richer man. Let them bang on at it. Let the flesh smells rot the air. As for this withering part of the tree, As for me:  I will enjoy the last rays of the sun.  People are such a disappointment.
Let me take you back to the beginning. It was a time when everyone was kind and there was no suffering. There was a girl whose name was Jana. She was the most beautiful creature in the universe, Her hair shone underwater like fire, and she walked naked across the jungles of yore. This was not unusual, because everyone was naked and there was no reason for shame, since egoism was non-existent.  The waters were calm and warm in that land, and she would sometimes swim all day. Sometimes she told the waters to float her to an island and she lay there all day watching the glowing birds under the trees. They blazed like colourful fireflies. She wished she could fly like them sometimes.Regardless, she was happy just as she was. There were no dangerous animals either, because everyone was good. The water was sweet and tasted like coconut juice. Even the air was delicious. The plants made it taste like chocolate sometimes, and sometimes cherries, depending where you were in the jungles.

In those days, men were gentle too. They were gentle, kind and strong, and they would spend days selflessly devoted to the women they loved. They could fly and the women could swim like mermaids, so they would take each other on adventures, sometimes to the Kingdom of the Clouds  where time would stand still, and sometimes to the underwater worlds. When they were together, they could breathe very high in the sky, and deep in the water. Some days, men could fly to the clouds and the women would go with them. Or when the women decided on a picnic they would spend their days on the islands with their lovers, surfing on the massive waves. They ate every delicious fruit they could find because there were millions. They never became bloated. There was no disparity in happiness between lovemaking and living. Everything was happiness. When people have sex nowadays, they are just remembering what those days were like. But sex is just a disappointment without love. It was in fact much better than making love, because everyone was connected by pure love, but lovers were devoted to each other and that was the best part.

One day Jana met her lover and she knew that she was safe in his arms. There was no reason to doubt it. Her cool white body was white like snow, and his was warm and tanned and when they held each other, they became a powerful bird that could fly underwater and even to the sun without burning. The sun was where people went to move acroos time. The bird was blue and orange, and when they were together, they liked to travel across time. However, this super-power they only discovered later. It did not matter how much later because they never aged. It was not unusual to fly into other times as well and to other planets. The sailors in the 16th century thought they were a mermaid, and the pilots of the world wars thought they were beautiful dragons. Sometimes they appeared to children in our modern times in dreams and those children thought they'd seen an angel or fairy.

They were like two flames: an orange one and a blue one weaving in and out of each other constantly, and they loved to help people without the people knowing. This was good, because in our modern times, everyone was greedy and selfish. The poor and suffering people were the kindest and most honest. This broke their hearts. One day God told them: "Okay you two! If you want to help, you can. All you need to do is become human and you will stop the world from nuclear war." The truth is that the world should have ended long ago, but these two brave souls decided to stop it from happening. They always felt different. They always knew something wasn't right. The other part of the deal was that they would not recognize each other if they changed to ordinary humans. They would not even remember their past life! Regardless, they agreed to this. One day, they met on the internet. Because humans had lost the power to connect with each other's minds they were trying build another gateway to connect with each other called the internet. It was the exact opposite of the old connection. She thought he was a bit stupid for doing this, but also quite nice.

She thought it was stupid because the internet was a rubbish-heap. Many stupid things happened there, so the girl did not trust the man completely, but all he knew was that he wanted to talk with her, and have adventures around the world with her. She was with another man, so the situation was difficult. But he still told her that his heart glowed when he saw her, and that was enough for him. It was also enough to tell her stories abou the places they went to. So he told Jana a story about how they would soar through the clouds and live on islands together in different centuries.
