When to keep and when to cut loose

When people ignore you or treat you like an expendable thing, cut them out.
Excise them like a tumour. You do not need them, and they are yet to realise
That they need you. But when that time comes, it'll be much too late.

When people call you for things that they need, but forget that you also have
a life of your own, don't let them do it. It'll only cheapen your one-time existence.
You have very little time on earth, and somewhere, someone appreciates it.

They sap your energy without you even realizing it. And in this country,
There are plenty of sappers who don't give anything in return. Don't let them
Steal your soul. Rather harden yourself like a pack of nails. Harden and desensitise.

Don't let them feed off you like bacteria. Become the surgical surface you admire
In laboratories and space stations where nothing can grow that does not belong.
