The creep that got in

They shouldn't have allowed him through the door, now he's doing all kinds of crazy things like expecting he could visit a girl who kissed him. They shouldn't have let him in the door. They never replied to his messages because they were too long. They never let him sleep in peace because they had to go to bed straight away. He was just the kid lying on the fold up couch. They were going to let him die on that balcony if he let them. But he didn't; he leapt up and he left. That's his fault too. He wouldn't let them tread on his feelings and now that's his fault. It's his fault for trying to clear things up. His fault for getting tapped with her toe the whole time they were having the argument about her, and expecting she'd stick to his side, instead of jumping into bed with him. It's his fault for losing his friend of 6 years and never looking back. His fault for running out of there and not giving up on her. His fault for cock blocking the wretch who can only think about his cock. His fault for being sick for 10 days. His fault his mother got anxious and tried to pick up something heavy while he was in town picking up his stuff. His fault for caring enough about it all to get run down and sick himself. His fault for knocking on her door. His fault for thinking she was a regular human being who didn't have a heart of stone. His fault for trusting that she had one gram of goodness within her. His fault for expecting anything from her. It's his fault she got angry and started swearing at him. His fault the world is a mess without a conscience.
