Cold comments that have no home

 The ice chest was full of beers that night. The beers were not for answers, they just dumbed the people down enough to think that answers were easily available. When the bright labels were there in the gloomy light, there seemed to flow new ways of seeing the world. The swells of "whoop whoop" and "hoorah" and other screams of delight pierced the thinker and the night sky and all that seemed holy like paroxysms of panic.

A soul like tissue paper cannot balance itself in these surroundings. Always there was the feeling of being caught off-guard by people whose  job it was to rattle up their victims. The chemical burns of madness that showed on his face were strange to them. He knew it must be some physical phenomenon that drove them away.

They were not built to understand the abstract. Scars that were raddled and held to the harsh UV light of peoples' radioactive person. That was what made him more eager to show a decay and brokenness that was alien to them. 
