
 I want to barge through my charlatan overlord's ' eye with a rude spark of awakening. Let him see the full glory and splendor of our Lord Jesus Christ and split his imagination into a million wandering pieces. You are not so funny now, Jude law of the nether-realms; cheap knock-off glasses and fake kindness. You are not so impressive, and faux humble now that your mask is off. You are not going to keep me down after propping me up. You are not going to cast me away for something I cannot help, and you are not going to present this abyss before me without my building a bridge across it. This bridge will be made of the strongest material on earth. You will say, how is it possible to carve a bridge out of a diamond? You will be bewildered for many weeks and will not wake until my time at your office is over. Then you will declare what a magnificent thing the Lord hath done. You will laugh and say to yourself, surely there is a God. That trickster who has turned the tables on me must have been his servant. 
