The bitter old colored woman

 There was a bitter old colored woman who didn't like to take a joke off any white man. We never laugh at a person who we don't likes' jokes. That was even more true of her. Her name was Mabel and she had a little granddaughter who she raised to be the same way, and the kid was a beautiful kid which made the thing even worse. 

She was at the counter at the nursery and I was working as till-man. The kid was swinging on the front of the trolley and taking cues from her grandmother. When to laugh etc. I said and is this little one going to help you with the garden and gave a chuckle. Yes, said the grandmother, but in place of a laugh there was only a kind of a morose grin. I said enjoy, that's right, raise em young, I also used to garden when I was your age... Same morose old grin. Weird. I did this a few more times, madman that I am and with the same result. 

Bitter people. We're raising them. Multiplying them in the name of critical race theory. 

Any excuse to make a white out to be the worst thing in the world. 
