Emotional support: For those Who Feel They're Aging at sonic speed

 One of the ways my mind gets to me is by making me realize I'm old. 

And yes. I am old now. I'm 36. But I feel each day as if I'm aging by another year. 

As a result, I start feeling depressed; as if I've achieved nothing as if time doesn't really matter. As if, even if I tried, I wouldn't have enough time.

I feel thousands of years old at this point. All the pain in my body becomes a focal point. 

I feel disabled because of the pain in my wrist from an old fracture.

Be careful that you don't fall into this trap. I have to learn to treat each second as sacred. As if it really contains a universe within it. Or at least the seed of one. 

And that means I can't afford to doom-scroll anymore.

Help Yourself

Are you experiencing something similar? Let me know in the comment section below. 

One way we can turn the tide on this feeling of aging too fast is to turn our focus away from how much we've left behind and towards the rarity and beauty of each moment. 

We all need to learn the sacredness of each second. Time is the only truly valuable commodity. Appreciate your life for what it is, appreciate the story that's unfolding, no matter how difficult it is in the moment. Each moment is a moment you'll never have again. Each moment is yours, no one elses'.

 Live it. Appreciate it. Use it.
