The One Hundred Year Old Man - A REALLY quick book review

 The plot of this book is exciting, and who doesn't want to live an exciting life, or know that even when you're 100, life's still going to be okay tomorrow? We all need a more positive attitude after what the world's been through recently, don't we?

I mean, every day is a new beginning, and that's the moral of the story here. I think we all want to be someone with a bright outlook who doesn't see the world as an endless dark chasm, but is able to spring back from the worst circumstances (being one hundred) for example and still come out the other side better off. 


This book DID take me a little long to read, on account of the writing style. The plot though, is fantastic.

The trouble comes in if you're a more literary reader like me, and not a genre-fiction reader. So the point is, don't feel bad for having a little trouble getting through it. It can be a bit of a nightmare if you're after enduring prose; the classical type which will still be famous 100 years from now. 

To drive the point home, stylistically, it reads like a late-night comedy show of the Jimmy Fallon or Jimmy Kimmel kind. Again, there's nothing wrong with that if you're okay with one of those canned laughter type sitcoms like "Big Bang Theory."


You'll either love or hate this book. I'm not one to judge you either way. For me it was a bit of a struggle, but you might feel a lighthearted glow after finishing it, and who can fault you for wanting something that lifts the spirits? 
