Why are Swedes so weird?

 I once knew a Swedish girl who was super-weird, and I'm wondering if you've ever experienced the same thing? 

For instance, she once openly admitted that she had sex with a guy with dreadlocks she hardly knew on a bed with 5 or 6 dirty dogs lolling around. She came to Africa for this. To screw local dudes of native decent, and although she would never do this with a local caucasian, she seemed to drop her standards for cleanliness dramatically when it was African d00ds involved

This other time, she almost had her handbag lifted at a local coffee shop/pizzaria and the owner leaped in to beat the d00d who did it. But then she gave the owner a hard time. 

He was like: "Lady, I just saved you from losing your passport, phone and money and this is what I get in return."

Swedes are strange...
