Why you probably shouldn't worry about finding a mate

 For the longest time, I was like a lot of folks out there: I just couldn't picture my life without a mate. 

I used to see guys on YouTube, driving around with their sports cars and a babe next to them and think, "One day, I'll try to be that guy."

But that guy never came. I tried day-trading, I tried making YouTube videos("one has to start small", I thought.) I tried coding, I tried writing. 

Nothing took off. Nothing. 

Then I moved to a South East Asian countries and was inundated with women. It was like I'd hit the jackpot.

As a guy who doesn't really fit into or believe in a social hierarchy, before that point I really couldn't connect with others. I used to see girls at the mall or at the beach in their short shorts and if the time ever came where a friend introduced one of these fine specimens of the female form to me, I couldn't say boo to a goose. 

I couldn't even say, "Hey how are you?" because in those moments, I was too focused on my own feelings. 

Fast forward to my days in South East Asia and things were really looking up. 

I met this really cute girl at a university(I was an honorary English professor there) and she took me to a coffee shop. Then, she shacked up with me. And after that, it all went kind of downhill. 

But I learned a lot of things. I learned that you should never, ever be desperate to get into a relationship. 

Beating the competition

Leaving aside the fact that the experience of having a long-term girlfriend for the first time in my life at 35 was super negative in the end, I learned a lot. 

I learned that the reason I struggled to talk to girls was because I really cared. 

Girls like that. Girls are sick of know-it-alls. 

Now, the girl I was with was super toxic. She had daddy issues. She had actually run away from her dad after he split her lip in an alcoholic fit of rage, and she often ran away from me in shopping malls or public places. 

Other than that, she was okay. But when I went home to help my mom who had fallen ill, she broke up with me. 

In Conclusion

So in conclusion, I want you to know that if you care - regardless of whether or not you have a high-paying job - you're one of the few men who do. If you care about women and want them for the right reason, that already puts you in the top 10 percent. 

Also, don't let the "men are trash" movement get you down. You're not responsible for the fact that 80 percent of women sleep with 5 percent of the men, and that those men are all toxic. Nor do you have to take that on. 
