Do our feelings still matter in the new era of AI ?

 My dreams are dark, my friends. Nothing seems to offer any hope when I'm in one of them. And then AI comes along to compound the problem. The gnashing of teeth hasn't stopped since about 20 years ago when I was 16, and the only way out of hell, they say, is through it. So I'm going. I'm going, either to meet my maker or the devil. 

Last night the same elevator shaft dream again. I'm stuck inside this god-forsaken elevator shaft with some people, and they aren't there to help me, and sometimes the elevator threatens not to move ever again. It's in a parking lot and it's supposed to go to the top floor. And I also know that no one is interested in helping if it does decide to stop working. You'd be stuck in concrete shafts all your life. In this robotic world, you might stay and rot forever in the system like an appendage of the AI.

I think that I'm not in any way capable of changing things. My faith in the church is all but gone. My faith in the authorities to guide us is all but gone too. I don't really make time to read my Bible anymore. My back is finished, and I'm only 36 and my mother won't accept that as a reason to rest. 

Bright pictures on our walls, in adverts, on our phones are with me in the day, but only enough to hide the darkness, not to make it disappear. It just masks it and it comes out at night in dreams. I am forever trying to catch up with the man I should have been.

There is a war of minds and a war of hearts, and a war on our bodies too. There is a never-ending assault on livelihoods, on freedoms, and on basic dignity. And I'm stuck in this maelstrom.

I knew something was wrong when Biden took office and few people complained. It was an outrage that such an idiot could hold the throne. I thought we'd have woken up. But apparently we're more screwed than ever. 
