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Let them have it; it's theirs

 Beauty goes out of the world and it's only the beating of flesh that fills the air. It's only the moaning of some whore made good by the bank balance of a richer man. Let them bang on at it. Let the flesh smells rot the air. As for this withering part of the tree, As for me:  I will enjoy the last rays of the sun.  People are such a disappointment.

pRon and the lust for adventure

 Sitting alone in a dully lit room, probably untidy and probably well-overdue for a scrub-down, in front of a grimy computer and nothing to do all day is the perfect setup for one thing: pRon usage. 

I mean, look at this scene. Does it impress you or inspire you? Imagine it's 12 in the afternoon and the curtains are drawn. 

Is this a good place for anyone to be? 

And yet it's here that you find yourself. And if you've already got a problem with the pRon, this is probably the perfect setup for one thing: 

An 80 percent chance or higher of spending the day fantasizing on non-real events. 

So what do you do?

Well like a lot of things in life, the answer is simple. Walk outside your door. Do something that involves getting out. 

One of the problems nowadays is feeling judged. That's why a lot of young men feel the pull into isolation. 

That is why a lot of young men and women feel that they should stay indoors and that this is fate rather than something they have the power to avoid. 

So you have two choices at this point: 

Stay indoors and be stuck in your cycle, or go somewhere like a park and read a book. 

Libraries are great neutral places to go and so are coffee shops. No one can judge you here. In these spaces you are a paying customer or a public beneficiary of public services. 

So what are you waiting for? 

If you're still thinking it over, then there's a chance you might need to up your street-cred first, and that's okay too. Go to gym, get some new clothes, or  a hair-cut. 

But make a plan. And stick to it. Plans can be 10 second simple ideas or they can be long elaborate ideas that take days to formulate. 

My advice to you is not to make a plan that you can't afford to fail in. In other words, even a small, effective plan of going to the gym is better than sitting in the realm of temptation for even another minute. 

Get that bike off the shelf and make a program for cycling every day. 

Go to the library and earn that street-cred through an online degree or programing certification

Head out to that coffee shop and start talking to a random stranger. 

The mind is the limit. And the mind is infinite. 

If your mind has a tendency to limit you, and you can't even get out of bed. there are some ideas in the field of visualization and basic scientifically-proven practices that can help you: 

CBT is a wonderful field that has healed many including me from their mental illnesses. I had been written off as a hopeless case by doctors of Bipolar 2. 

2 years into CBT and they had to re-diagnose me because all my bipolar symptoms were gone. 

All I did was this: 

I held every thought captive and changed it into a positive one. I also visualized my neurons changing to less ragged, and more healthy versions of themselves. 

Each morning when the negative thoughts would come to me I'd actively decide to be happy, and I'd picture those neurons changing. 

That was it. That's all I did. And I conquered bipolar. 

Imagine what you can do!!!

If you want a family,
or just a bright place
to rest your head
where symphonies of color
and order and generosity 
swirl into their proper place
It all begins with YOU
