I would rather make 1 cents a day working on my blog

 I would rather make 1 cents on this blog, punching out my ideas on the keyboard than 2000 dollars a month working in a soul-sucking job. 

You heard that correctly. I'm willing to work until I'm 80 making observations about the world, just being a free spirit and making the most of every second than being a clown in an office suit. 

That's what I get for writing these things in case you were wondering. 

Welcome to my blog. We have wonderful inspirational ideas here. Things that will really make you think. 

You see, I've never sold my soul to the system. I've been a free spirit since roughly the age of 6. They tried to take it all from me but I refused to let them have it. 

They tried to mold me and shape me and use fear as a weapon for manipulation but I said "no". I'm living a simple life now. If I had to tell you how simple it is you'd laugh. 

I tried to do the whole relationship thing. It blew up in my face. Now I'm like an old man with old wise friends looking for a way out of this high-low cycle. 

I don't want any more highs. I've had highs enough. 

This life in Thailand has been nothing short of interesting. 

Without money it's like anywhere else. You feel terrible. You feel like you can't treat a girl to a nice meal. 

Your room gets messy. You feel like maybe you're not cut out for this thing called life. 

But it's bearable. That's all I ask for. I wasn't asking for a lot in the first place. 

What's not bearable is having someone expect you to be something. I was going to be a husband, would you believe it? 

She wanted to have kids with me and I didn't want to give up my freedom over that. 

So now I live in a lovely large room overlooking a river. 

The thing is, I can go anywhere, do anything. There are no kids to tie me down. 

And the other thing is, I know my value. I know I'm not some cheap jack who has to run around to make girls happy. 

All I have to do is set up my room now to make it livable. That's all. 

Getting stuck in the loop of relationships just to break up is nonsense. 

There is much more to life, especially in my position. 

I intent to spend the day fasting. Heck maybe I'll fast until tomorrow. 

I love my new body. I love just lying here and thinking to myself. 

I love reading proper literature. Not the guff they hand us. 

And I can keep this up for as long as I want to. I literally just need to survive. 

I don't need to strive for anything. Do one job and do it well. Do the hell out of it. That's all. You don't need the stress that goes with these other things. 

Read and enjoy your life. Make your mind into an indomitable force. Use your imagination as much as possible. 

Be free. 
