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Let them have it; it's theirs

 Beauty goes out of the world and it's only the beating of flesh that fills the air. It's only the moaning of some whore made good by the bank balance of a richer man. Let them bang on at it. Let the flesh smells rot the air. As for this withering part of the tree, As for me:  I will enjoy the last rays of the sun.  People are such a disappointment.

Urgent but not important tasks

 Today we all have many things- not only to cover in the sense of completing tasks-  but to uncover, and discover, and recover. This life is like a huge cavern that meets the sea. Too many depths to be completely plumbed. The deeper you go into one region of that cave, the further it opens up into deeper and more interesting regions. Our lives are too short to know any one region. 

 That's why, as knowledge increases, you actually need a plan. You cannot go into this world, into today blind. Perhaps it was always like that. The technology that's reengineering how we presently live and coexist is really just an extra feature. Often a distraction. 

How can we ensure that we have enough exercise, enough of a social life, enough money and enough enjoyment that life becomes more than a struggle and actually worth living? Much is about doing rather than thinking about doing. 

We need to actually do things to make progress. Thinking, while necessary, is often just a means of exploring parts of the cave that we don't yet know. This is good for progress but ultimately needs to be balanced out with action. So instead of writing this, which is really a form of thinking, I'm going to go out and run now. 

There are some caves that are deeper than others. Some that grab us and launch us into timelessness more than others. One of these is the entertainment-industrial complex of tech. Especially big tech. 

Then there are the even more addictive aspects of that which allow us to go without social interaction and become absorbed in a human-less relationship with other humans. These might include romance that is only as real as our pixels. I'm starting to think that the Bible was right:

"Guard your heart above all else"~ Proverbs 4:23

Your heart is something both very complex in needs and very simple in it's decisiveness. When the heart wants something, it runs towards it like someone running toward the fire-exit door, out of the smoke of a burning building. 

Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to switch off that phone, to tune into nature, and to do the most urgent tasks first - which is usually the exact time that less urgent tasks seem to pop up all around us. These, we have to remember, are just distractions from what needs doing. 
