The positive side of total rejection

 Over the past few days I've faced a few situations that - well let's just put it mildly - put into question my validity as a male worth his procreational function. 

The women I've been sending messages to have not replied the way I've expected, especially when receiving pictures from me. 

That hurts, okay? 

But there's more to it than that. 

I know for instance that women are Geiger counters for social approval. When you ain't much, you ain't much. 

So I don't go too hard on myself for that reason. 

If women don't feel it's worth their time to be connected to me then so be it. 

There's also a positive side to all of this, which is that, at bare minimum, these women can push me (potentially) to where I'm meant to be. 

There was a time when my collagen kept my face in structural order. 

That time has come and gone. 

I didn't have to fight to get the attention of women about 5 or 6 years ago. It came naturally. 

Right now though, post-breakup, I'm in a situation where I have to basically beg and perform fantastical feats to gain sexual attention. 

This means that frequent trips to the gym are all the more necessary. 

This means that I can no longer get by on a meal of mediocre nutritional value. 

I have to supplement everything. I have to supplement my off-time with extra work. 

And that's okay. It's a more honest way to live I suppose. 

So next time you send out 100 messages  and only get one reply, you know why. 

It's because you aren't putting in the work. Post 35, you really do have to lay it all on the line. 

I'm going to be a sexy 45 and 50 year old. There's no doubt about it. I'm going to be a phenomenal person by then and I won't stop there. 

Time is short. Urgency is vital. 

Thank you, women for signaling where I'm meant to be in my life. 

Thank you sincerely.
