Yeah... but

We're involved in a "yeah... but" culture. Have you ever seen  real purity in your life? 

Purity of an idea, a self-standing element of action or thought? Or has it just been continuallywatered down and watered down some more?

It's the intellectual man's preserve to water down. It's the man of truth who senses a thing far off in the soul and who can't quite grasp it before he says it. 

His eyes are not clouded by the cataracts of others' institutionalized thinking. 

We can always imagine reasons that we shouldn't do a thing. That parts simple. Don't approach the woman because she's a little bit too sexy for you. Don't talk to your boss about this subject because carefulness is the best approach. 

There is place for primary colors.  A place for things that don't have to do with the here and now. Things that exist only as an ideal. 

We know this or the saying "Just Do It" wouldn't have caught on. 

I hope you will. 
