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Throw a dog a bone

 Girls make a million excuses to avoid being with the guy who isn't the one they're interested in at that moment.  They keep a bunch of sausages on the backburner most times.  This one girl who I liked said her tonsils were out and she couldn't make it after 3 months of love emojis and this kind of thing. Then it was something else. She said she was in a dating relationship. Only, there was no evidence on IG. Women change their minds all the time and they don't like to be forced to meet someone.  Maybe they just like talking to you on the DM's for an ego boost. One thing's for sure though; If you try to force them to meet they back out quicker than an alleyway cat before a pile of exploding excrement.

NoJacular day 25 Age: 37.594

 It's kind-a rough to get back home and no one's there. Especially after memories of my ex thai gf offering a teet to suck in the mornings when I woke up. She was standing at my bed. Dancing topless. I don't know what's wrong with me but I've engaged in some pron viewing. Not the usual marathon but about 10 pics (not vids). Not good. It's no longer PRon. I'd be dishonest to call it that. I'm downgrading to NoJacular activity.

Yes. That's a public admission. I suck today. I will wake up early. Perhaps tomorrow I'll get back on the NoPron bandwagon and start from day 1.
