Frozen Peruvian Blueberries - Why I've put noPron behind me

Why I'm putting an end to my
noPron journey

 (While still sticking to noPron lifestyle)

 It's not that it hasn't helped; but the bigger picture has emerged, and it's not nopRon. That's only one part.

It shouldn't be the focus. I was just hinging on this one aspect but now I think I see the truth. 

Community is part of it. Going to church. Making the most of the daylight hours. Living an honest, clean, sincere and neighborly life. 

The other part of it was; I've taken on the soul of the woman I loved last. I didn't know how deeply sleeping with someone changes the color of your soul. 

With her, I took on all her suffering. I broke myself to be with her. 

So now I understand the source of my comfort-seeking behavior. 

Once you get to the root of a thing, you don't need the cure for the symptom anymore. 

Philosophy can only go so far. Right now I just need frozen blueberries. I had a whole punnet and nothing was deeper or quite as satisfying. . . not even philosophy 
