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You seemed a little doomed today

Running around in your own mind, You seemed a little doomed today.  I could have sworn you weren't there Regretting every moment and Yet you were pushed forth by some Unidentifiable force.  I know that feeling too I've been there.  I'm still there. For I.M

I love to write

 If you took everything else away from me and there was only writing, I think I could carry on just fine. People, as I've often said, aren't "it". They don't hold the meaning you need. 

People disappoint. 

In the garden there was first job of mankind: Gardener. Writing came with Moses and that was intended from the beginning. Otherwise there'd be no garden to write about.

This morning as I was doing  my yoga I was happy. You do not understand the level and intensity of that happiness. And why was I so happy? Because my hope has been restored. I'm a little out of sorts. Sore body and the works. But that's okay. I keep drinking these glutathione drinks hoping that something will change. 

I don't want to be an old overworked man. 

You can use the things you don't like to drive you toward greater progress. 

There's been a conversation with a girl that I've been enjoying too. She's a pretty little thing. I've found in her a quantum of solace. 

These are little things that give one hope. 

I think she thinks I work too hard though. If that's the case, I need to engineer my life to work less hard. Girls are all the same and there's an advantage in that. They're like cockroaches. If you find one of a species, there's more of it elsewhere. 

But speaking of cockroaches, and maybe life's giving me little clues, I saw a really beautiful cockroach species the other day. Maybe it was a message from the other side that I'd meet this girl. 

Although I realize that's slightly manic talk, I also slightly believe it. 
