The story of Stumpy Steve: A story of true compassion

This is an inspirational story goes out to all those who are on the verge of doing something stupid they know they shouldn't. 

To begin with, in a raw logic sort of way, let me tell you that you're where you are because of a combination of ignorance on your part; be it worldly-wise or spiritual or a combination of both. 

Now ignorance is something you can't charge people for in the way that you can charge someone of a crime. Ignorance is there because of largely your upbringing. 

You get ethical ignorance which verges on the spiritual, and you get worldly ignorance which is more about nutrition and finance and such-forth. But both are the same thing ultimately.



Well, stumpy Steve was a stump down there. He lost a lot of his girth and more of his length because of what he'd been doing his whole live. The death grip in other words had stumped his growth. Stumpy Steve was a middle-of-the-road type guy, never really this and never really that. Never really smart and never really dumb. 

He was tall though, and had a lot of good properties but he never used them.

So a real middle-class Martin of a guy, in other words. God gave him some choices in life. He always went the wrong way. Times got hard and he got hard and lit up another one. This guy, stumpy Steve was almost 40 when he realized that God had always been handing him the possibility for two kinds of women; two kinds of marriage. 

But when he looked back, he always went for the toxic or weak-willed kind of woman. God gave him many chances, but he always chose the one he didn't want because the one he wanted long-term always took a bit more finessing, and when things got hot and heavy in Stumpy Steve's world, he always went the wrong way.


Well one day, thanks to God's Grace, this guy wakes up. He realizes that he's only in the place in life he's in; that unsatisfactory, grey and luke-warm state, because he's always doing the wrong thing. In other words, he is where he is because he took the wrong choice each time. 

But that one day he woke up. He took the right choice. Instead of getting hot and heavy and heading to a hotel room with an undereducated girl, he went for a real bourgeois princess of intelligence. A writer in fact. She hung out in nice places and looked refined. She had good tastes, could raise a good family, cook and never complain. And he hung around, and he finessed her well. He worked hard and married her. 

                                                                    THE END
