No pRon until waifu Day 05

 Things to remember

About the pretty girl: 

There's a good chance you're taller than her.  

There's a good chance you're stronger than her. 

Her whole goal is to psychologically weaken you. 

Cut you at the knees.

You have to act uninterested. You have to make her find reasons to qualify you. 

Acceptance is black-or-white. 

There are no gray areas in acceptance. 

Remember that. 

1. Ideals: 

Remember how your ideals fell from the time before you dropped your ex. 

Remember the hope you lost. 

I for one, wanted to be a good guy. The best guy. 

She's got me questioning that...

I wanted to be the chooser, not the chosen. 

She's got me questioning that.

I wanted to marry

She broke that. Now I have to rethink what marriage is. 

Writing from the heart again: The white-out heart. 

To what extent has she subverted many of the ideals?

I'll bet that even writing has been poisoned. Although I also have more material now. . . 
