Handling shit-tests from wayward women

 "Shit tests" are a concept often discussed in dating and social dynamics, referring to situations where a person (typically a woman) tests someone's confidence, boundaries, or emotional resilience. These tests are usually subtle comments or behaviors meant to gauge how someone will react under pressure.

A "sigma male" is often described as a confident, independent, and self-reliant man who doesn't follow traditional social hierarchies. Here's how someone fitting that description might handle "shit tests":

  1. Stay Calm and Unreactive: Sigma males tend to stay composed and indifferent in the face of challenges. When faced with a shit test, they don’t get defensive or overly emotional. Instead, they maintain their calm, which demonstrates confidence and self-assurance.

  2. Playfully Turn the Tables: Rather than taking a test too seriously, a sigma male might respond with humor or by flipping the script. For example, if someone says something to provoke insecurity, he might respond with a witty or playful comment that shows he’s not affected.

  3. Set Boundaries: A sigma male is clear about his boundaries and won’t hesitate to assert them. If a test crosses the line into disrespect, he would calmly but firmly communicate that he doesn’t tolerate such behavior.

  4. Stay True to Yourself: Sigma males are known for their independence and strong sense of self. They don’t feel the need to change or adapt to please others. When faced with a shit test, they remain authentic and true to their values.

  5. Ignore and Move On: Sometimes, the best response to a shit test is no response at all. Sigma males may simply ignore the provocation and move on, signaling that they are above petty games.

The key for a sigma male in handling these situations is to maintain self-respect, not take the tests personally, and continue to be authentic and confident in who they are.
