Keep your days simple

 When nothing is working and it seems your life is falling apart, you can start with one principle: Keep things simple. See to basic biological needs. 

Sometimes we just want to run out into the morning and accomplish great things. 

This isn't the solution.

This will cause a lot of the stress associated with boundaries and things we sometimes struggle to maintain control over. 

When you're behind in life and you try to juggle too many things, it can be murder for the soul. 

For instance; I'm sitting in a room that's got so many dirty items, you wouldn't ever believe it. Mostly empty bottles and pots and things. 

But I'm fragile today. 

Even getting started cleaning this filthy floor would floor me. 

Often simply eating something in the morning is a good start. 

So let's look at things that are related to basic biology, even beyond exercise. I speak of eating, drinking, resting etc. 

So in conclusion: 

Sometimes you need a day to reframe everything. 

This can happen especially after a long period of go-getting. 

The key is not to stop what you're doing and lose all your momentum. 

The key is to drop a bunch of things that are over the top. 
