The Rhythm of Us

Lily and Ethan had always been drawn to each other like early morning mist to low places. Their bond was quick and bright, and when they were close, the world seemed to hum with energy. The days they spent wrapped in each other's lives were deep, filled with long talks, fast trips, and real sharing. They spoke of everything: their dreams, fears, and lives. It felt as if nothing could pull them apart.

Though Lily noticed something about Ethan early on. After days of close time, he would step back. It wasn’t sharp or cold—he didn’t vanish or grow quiet from anger—and there was a slow shift. He would text a little less, need more time alone, and seemed to pull into his own thoughts. In the start, it scared her.

"Are you pulling away from me?" she asked one night after seeing he hadn’t been as chatty the last few days.

Ethan sighed soft, knowing this talk was bound to come soon. "I’m not pulling away, Lily. I just… I have these ways. After a lot of time with someone—when things feel real deep—I need some space to think. To get back my strength. It’s not you. It’s how I keep my balance."

Lily blinked, feeling a mix of peace and worry. "So, you’re not tired of me? It’s not something I did?"

He shook his head and reached for her hand. "No, not at all. You’re great. And I love being with you. And when I take a step back, it’s like I’m making sure I can give you my best self when I’m close. I’m still here. I’ll always be here, even when I’m a little quiet."

While it was hard at first, Lily began to see Ethan’s way. When he was all in, it was like he gave his all—he’d bring her flowers, show up with kind acts, and listen with full care. Their time felt full of life. And when he needed space, instead of falling into fear, she learned to trust him. He would always let her know, "Hey, I’m going to have a quiet weekend. I just need to rest, and I’ll be thinking of you."

In those times, Lily focused on herself—her art, her friends, her own dreams. It gave her room to grow, too. And just when she would start to miss the bond, Ethan would come back, ready to dive back into their link with new life.

One week, after a very sweet weekend away, Ethan started to pull back again. He wasn’t gone, and she could feel the change—fewer texts, longer gaps in the day. Still, this time, instead of feeling lost, she sent him a note: "I miss you, and take your time."
