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Let them have it; it's theirs

 Beauty goes out of the world and it's only the beating of flesh that fills the air. It's only the moaning of some whore made good by the bank balance of a richer man. Let them bang on at it. Let the flesh smells rot the air. As for this withering part of the tree, As for me:  I will enjoy the last rays of the sun.  People are such a disappointment.

10 Surreally Evocative Phrases to Lighten Your Day


Surreal and Evocative Phrases

  1. "Velvet elbows" – A symbol of unexpected luxury in a mundane place.
  2. "Golden lungs" – For someone who sings so beautifully it seems they breathe gold.
  3. "Butter brain" – Describing someone who is a little scatterbrained but endearingly so.
  4. "Moon pockets" – The kind of pockets that could hold stardust or dreams.
  5. "Lava toes" – A person who's always dancing because they can't stop moving.
  6. "Crystal belly" – Someone who laughs so hard and pure it feels like the sound shatters into light.
  7. "Cactus hands" – For someone prickly on the outside but soft and full of life inside.
  8. "Neon whiskers" – A playful way to describe a cat that glows with personality.
  9. "Porcelain grin" – A fragile yet dazzling smile.
  10. "Tinsel veins" – Someone who sparkles with festive energy or creativity.
