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Let them have it; it's theirs

 Beauty goes out of the world and it's only the beating of flesh that fills the air. It's only the moaning of some whore made good by the bank balance of a richer man. Let them bang on at it. Let the flesh smells rot the air. As for this withering part of the tree, As for me:  I will enjoy the last rays of the sun.  People are such a disappointment.

The World's Richest Man

There is a man who wakes up at 7 am every morning - which is not too early, not too late, for the early - minded at least. 

This man that lives in an apartment far above the city, and he has stories to tell. 

But he keeps his garden lush above the city, he has his routine. 

He struck gold in his youth. What he did was simply to make the decision to see what he could do, crank it to the limit, and then scale it back.

What he did was to visit many speakeasies after a bout of long work, and talk to women who he found to be attractive. 

This he did in romantic locations, and locations which were funky and artistic. 

This he did in places where only the few select go.

And he chose his timing too. Timing not only when it came to the when and where of approach, but what was done beforehand. 

And by this I mean a thorough time of introspection. 

For there is no greater artwork in the world than a beautiful woman. 

But a beautiful woman does not wish to be pedistilized. 

What he said on the steamy sidewalks to break the interpersonal bubbles of people he met was "Hey." Or if he felt the need to show a  bit more respect, it was "Hi."

And another technique he practiced was to say hey or hi as soon as the girl smiled. And that was his invitation to go further. 

Once when he was walking past a girl in Bangkok who was sitting on the back of a motorbike taxi who smiled at him, he didn't go up at first. For he had his failures. 

But suffice it to say, he thought "I should have gotten this girl's number straight away." 

You see there must not be so much as a hint of hesitation when such a cue occurs. 

Hesitation means lack of boldness. 

Hesitation is something that a woman does not - and rightly so - respect. 

So this old man sits frequently on his balcony and he's urged on by nothing but what he wishes to do on that particular morning, which is to make his plants green. 

And whether he has lovers is neither here nor there, but if he decided to play Buk, or if he decided not to is actually no one's business anyway.
