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Rivers of Joy

 The perfect excuse to write something joyful is others around you bringing you down for whatever reason. They've got no right to bring you down. The rich over your petty finances, the beautiful over your appearances, the popular over your loneliness.  We are not here to stare at walls and rot away.  Remember to write something or bust out in song. 

For the ones who are cold and calibrated

 I was walking through the town 

And what did I find? 

A lot of cold and lonely people

Who, just like me, had started out

Trying to make friends

But as distrust grew up 

And hearts grew down

They did not go the casual way

For fear of missing out

Instead, as they tried to build

A castle made of steel and fear

They got stuck in the mode 

Of castles and steel

And never got quite round

To being what they loved again.
