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You seemed a little doomed today

Running around in your own mind, You seemed a little doomed today.  I could have sworn you weren't there Regretting every moment and Yet you were pushed forth by some Unidentifiable force.  I know that feeling too I've been there.  I'm still there. For I.M

Just get out out of the office sir

So many of us in the rat race; we misdirect our energies into things we aren't capable of handling. 

Unless you're an engineer who gets a boner every time you solve a new physics problem, you're not living the life. 

Check out me the past few years. 

Pleasing every Tom, Dick, Harry and their great aunt Maggy. 

People-pleasing is the killer of our times. I swear it's up there with heart disease and melanomas. 

Hold up though because I want to tell you a secret: This is where dreams go to die: The office. The office is a church for the religion of people-pleasing.

But ultimately, environment is everything. 

So how do we square the main mode of existence: "Just get an office job with"  with being a free spirit? If you are in this torn-ass environment day in and day out, how do we re-begin our soul voyage? 

Working in your own capacity might be one way. Side hustles or side gigs are great, but not everyone can make the leap. In my work - education - I went from teaching busy classrooms full of 40 kids where one catholic matron wanted to fire me - to a one-on-one tutoring environment. 

I worked myself to the bone and then I worked some more. It was like hell. 

I made it hell for myself because I was convinced that there could be no greater way of living than working for oneself. 

But it got isolating in the end. There was no balance. 

I began to resent my girlfriend for leaving. 

I got angry at the secretary in the tutoring building. 

I had no fun and was resentful for being 38 and unmarried.

The key difference to what I did is: 

I thought everything had to be difficult like it was in the office job (My old education job at the catholic school).

If you can move to an environment that inspires you, you can calm down your nervous system. 

If you can do that, you can begin to dream. 

You can actually make your soul move in a direction that matters again. 

I write this with a half broken back and a soul full of pain. 

Don't do that. Don't carry the people pleasing from the office into your independent work. 
