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Rivers of Joy

 The perfect excuse to write something joyful is others around you bringing you down for whatever reason. They've got no right to bring you down. The rich over your petty finances, the beautiful over your appearances, the popular over your loneliness.  We are not here to stare at walls and rot away.  Remember to write something or bust out in song. 

The Flinch

 "When will the boat come?" sighed the boy. 

The man was clear and strong:

It might never. 

There are waves that we have to cross alone

And no one is there to save us. 

We often try to fill the gaps 

With memories and ideas 

Not our own 

We complain. 

"But what's there to be thankful for?" 

There are many things, relayed the man

There's 3d space to move through

And memory itself

And there are beautiful places

That are free to visit, and which

When we don't fill them with the flinch

Are clean, free, and hallowed be your name. 
